Show your company's support of our community!

How Does It Work?
It's easier than you might think! Exapand each question
Banner Sponsorship FAQs
How much does a banner sponsorship cost?
Sponsorshp Levels: We have two sponsorship levels and corresponding banner sizes. The levels are $500 yr or $1000yr and the corresponding banner sizes are 3'x5' and 4'x8'.
Where does my banner appear?
Your banner will appear on the inside of the pool fence, facing across the pool and towards the pool parking lot.
BONUS: We will also provide a public 'Thank You" on our Facebook page which has over 700 Folowers AND will place your logo on our website.
Do I provide my own banner?
Yes. If you already have a vinyl banner, we can work with that even if it is not the exact size we generally use. Just let us know.
If you need a local source for banner:
We are referring sponsors to:
Graber Letterin: +610-369-1112
JnB Screen Printing Inc: 610-845-8691
Austin Graphics: 610-222-4055
Everything Printing: 610-367-7444
IF you do not renew your sponsorship, we will be return your banner to you so you may use it again elsewhere.
When is my banner shown?
Your banner will be displayed from Memorial Day until the end of October. Our swim season end at the beginning of September BUT there are additional events in and near the pool through October.
What are the banner specifications?
We highly recommend a stitched and grommeted, wind resistant mesh banner as opposed to a vinyl banner. We will use a vinyl banner, but the mesh ones seem to hold up better ove time as they are "breathable".
Is this a one-time or an annual sponsorship?
Our sponsorships are one year, but existing sponsors get first right of refusal for following years.
How do I pay for a sponsorship?
What ever is easiest for you! Most companies seem to like to pay check. Checks should be made out to: 'Bally Borough - BARDS' and can be dropped off or mailed to Bally Borough-BARDS, 425 Chestnut Street in Bally, PA 19503.
If you would like to pay be PayPal, or Credit Card, please give us a call.
Note: A banner sponsorship would be a deductible advertising expense only, as BARDS is not yet a 501(c)(3) charity.