Nobody can do everything. We can all do a little!
Experience the joy of working together with others to improve your community.
Whether you have 1 hour a month or 5 hours per year, the Bally Area Recreational Development can use your help with fun and fundraising events in and around Bally. So how exactly do you get involved?
1. Come to one of our monthly meetings. 2nd Thursday of each month at the Bally Borough Hall 425 Chestnut
Join Our Monthly Meetings
BARDS meets each month at the Bally Borough Hall, 425 Chestnut St in Bally. The meetings start at 7PM and usually last until 8 or 9 PM. Any changes or cancellations will be posted.
Contact US!
If you have questions about how and where you can help, but you cannot make our monthly meeting, simply reach out.
Phone: (484) 393-5490
We get it, life is busy. But it takes volunteers to conduct events, do projects and organize our fundraisers. We'd LOVE to have you join us! There are no mebership dues, but some projects do require a simple liability waiver that the Borough keeps on file.